Soul searching

I have been doing alot of soul searching lately. At times it has even felt like naval gazing, a bit painful, too much work, and a touch of self centeredness I want to stay away from. All in total it has been a blessing.

If the truth be told, I have always been separated by my own discontent. I have created alot of my own discontent due to the choices I have made as well as the choices I have refused to make. I have often felt like I was not measuring up and that I am always behind. I am moving into a spot in my life that I realize many of those thoughts are not accurate and often out and out untrue. This revelation has freed up so much more energy to focus on the present and EUREKA that is where contentment lies for me.

I have an amazing life. I have an amazing family. I have a comfortable home. I have a reliable car to drive. I have so very much. I have time to myself and time to spend with others. I have access to quiet as well as activity. I have inspiration all around me. And I always have. Today that is more than enough.

I have spent so much time wanting more. That time is over because I already have more than enough to spend my time and energy on. Thank you God for giving me Grace and Mercy during my doubting times. Thank you God for opening my eyes to what is today.


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